Ancient Self-Help Online Courses

Are you ready to potentially change your life? For 37 dollars?

Hey, we have a solution. Check out my online video course, Wisdom of the Ages! It's designed based on ancient Hermetic tradition and it is aimed at taking you to where you want to be... fast! I designed this course for YOU, to take YOU to your highest potential!

And well, here you are!

"Welcome to my 'Dojo!' (always wanted to say that!) You're a White Belt, and ready to go, let's get started! It's time to move up to the Next Grade! Are you ready for the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus? Ready for the same wisdom which infused the builders of the Great Pyramid and other Wonders?! Then... it's time! Please, do yourself a favour. Step up to Blue Belt!"

With the 'proven' copyrighted proprietary techniques fostered and taught in offline courses and workshops, Dr Charles brings you...

Wisdom of the Ages: 100 minute video course

Yes, I want to order and potentially change my life. I also know it's risk free as I can get the money back if I don't like it! (Contact Charles direct!) I'm clicking right now as an investment in my future success!

"That's right guys. It's got a money-back guarantee, I mean why would I want to take anyone's money if they didn't like the product, and it doesn't work for them?! That makes it risk free! That's the way I like it, and I hope you will like it too! "

Dr Charles

This program contains Lessons in:

The Instant Confidence Paradigm

How to have more energy every day!

How to Manifest Objects by becoming an Avatar!

Literally become your Hero, Defy Physics and Logic and Make it Happen!

I mean who doesn't need more of that?!

"Yes I want to order now by clicking the above! I am aware this is risk free because there is a money-back guarantee if I do not like it! Price $37. Value: Unlimited!

Please click the above link, to start to change your life, and life experience!

Coming Soon... (Green Belt) - Keys of the Ages: BUILDING YOUR INTUITION

Ok, you've got your blue belt! Great! That's just so wonderful! This supercharges everything we have learned in Grade One, taking you up to the next level!

This program is all about building your intuitive powers to a high level!

Coming Soon... (Black Belt) - Dragon Keys of the Ages: BUILDING YOUR MANIFESTATION POWER

Ok, you've got your Green belt! Great! That's just so wonderful! This supercharges everything we have learned so far, taking you up to the next level! But now it's time for something new! Something new and extraordinary! Are you ready for Black Belt --- Dragon Keys? Once you complete this, you are well on your way to true mastery!


As well as potentially becoming a new person, you WILL step into a whole new way of looking at your place in the world. You will go from victim to master, from hard-done-by to full in charge! And that is the way it should be!

In addition, there is the possibility of follow-up One on One! Nothing beats one on one! An hour a week with Skype, and then later and hour fortnightly and monthly for follow up to keep you focused on your goals, WILL take you to the next level. It is just so easy to become lost in planning weekends, but the end result is a wasted life. It is far better to stick to your goals and stay on them, and make new ones! I will give you focus and take you there. Discounted coaching available for customers at USD $130 a month, far less than comparable life coaching. People who are not accountable to their goals can waste their lives away, too scared to do what is really important! So let's make this happen! No more wastage! I myself have a business coach and it's highly recommended!

Thank you for your interest!

Brought to you by Luck is a Habit Dot Com. For more self-help ideas, please see my other site, Luck is a Habit, for more information about official seminars and courses, Luck is a Habit dot com